Sustainability, and in particular water-related challenges, have a global scope. Asia represents a growing demand for water solutions, which offers opportunities for EU companies to expand their businesses into the region. The Business Mobility Hub program is here to support EU companies in capitalizing on these opportunities and expanding into South East Asian markets. The unique program is designed to facilitate access to the regional market, with Singapore as a landing- and launchpad. This Webinar will expose companies to the relevant SG/ASEAN perspective with a focus on qualitative insights immediately relevant to the participating companies. The program aims to translate the high-level quantitative market dynamics into executable business expansion considerations and action steps for participants.
Participants will be selected in close collaboration with key Singaporean stakeholders based on well-defined topics and objectives. This will allow for tailored content for the participating companies, including clarity about actual opportunities and barriers and support in scaling up.
The 2020 program is open to all Urban Tech stakeholders with a focus on solutions for challenges in the water sector.
Interested? Join our webinar on March 6, at 9 am CET. The agenda for the webinar is as follows:
- 09.00 – 09.15 - Welcome & Introduction to SmartCityTech & our Business Mobility program – Mr. Mark De Colvenaer
- 09.15 – 09.30 – Singapore’s Water Sector Challenges– Mr. Fong Han Loong - PUB
- 09.30 – 09.45 – Singapore as a Business Hub for ASEAN – Mr. Bert Grobben
- 09.45 – 10.00 – Q&A
To join the webinar – register through this link.